Sunday, September 7, 2014


This is bad. I'm beginning to forget who my friends are when I fill in the email addresses to send off my weekly report. I still love you all! I'm just being sucked into the void of LDS mission lyyyyfffeee….

And it's a nice void to be in, thank you very much. READ ON!


It's been a great week! Capped off on Thursday by Brittany's baptism (and her confirmation on Sunday). I think I've told you some about her already (super prepared? Baptized in 3 weeks, after going to both a conference AND a campout for church? yep.), but she's wonderful. Read through the book of Mosiah and into Alma in the 3 weeks we've been teaching her, and fasted yesterday without any prompting from us or anyone. Truly converted. And fully fellowhsipped into the ward. A pretty rockin miracle if you ask me.

And in other news, Sister Van Leuven and I are still Sister Training Leaders! So that'll be fun. Believe it or not, the thing I would've missed most were I not a Sister Training Leader this transfer was being able to attend MLC (Mission Leadership Counsel; super crazy 6 hour meeting the first Thursday of every month where they discuss EVERYTHINNNGGGG…). Sister Van Leuven said she would've missed exchanges. Go figure. :P

The other exciting thing is our investigator Demi who is progressing well, came to church for the first time yesterday and loved it. We might be moving her date up to August 23rd (it's at September 13th right now). We'll see.


Name: Tessa Malcom
Age: 2…3?
Profession: Nursery care person for her mom's day care
Accessory of choice: mildly explicit joker t-shirts, and VERY COOL nails. She does them herself with different colors…almost daily. Her therapist says it's a good way to express her addictive personality/release pressure
# of missionaries she's been through: …infinity. She doesn't even know.
Reason: She was born into the church and baptized at 8, but since a young age she's basically done everything she can do to NOT be active; including drugs really young, going through a million romantic encounters with both genders…everything. But, a few years ago she hit rock bottom and started coming back to church, and one by one her additions have been rooted out of her life (through some serious effort)
Calling and assignment in the ward: Ward Missionary in charge of the Missionary Dinner Calendar!
Evidence of true conversion: She loves the temple, and she works really hard to stay worthy of it. Plus she's found fun ways to mix a variety of intricate non-alcoholic beverages (can anyone say virgin mamosa?)
Evidence that she still has a ways to go: We brought her with us to an investigator with a similar past…and Tessa still revels a little bit in knowing about all the bad stuff/sharing inside jokes about it. So, good fellowship!--but may need to work on also trying to be a good example.
Why we love her: She loves us, and she feeds us every other Monday (today!). :) And she continues to work really hard to stay in line. Super impressive.



And there's our darling Brittany. Proud parents, proud parents. :*)

Love you all! Keep writing while you can get blessings for writing a missionary!

Sister Hale

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