Monday, May 19, 2014


Hey all!

I always make a comment about how time is passing so quickly. It's like when I was writing obsessively in my journal in college, and always made the comment at the beginning that it was SO SO late and I shouldn't be writing (but then I proceeded to write for 40 minutes anyway of course) yes. I've fallen into a rut. I apologize. :)


The biggest update is...that Carla got baptized this week! Yes! It was a really really wonderful service; spirit was strong, we had a great turn-out, the talks were great, the water was warm, she only had to get dunked once...good good stuff. :D Picture to follow. It did take a lot of our energy for the week, which was a bummer....BUT, just got word, and Sister Steinacker and I are staying in the area for another transfer! Wooo...! :D That's what I expected, but glad to hear that that's the case. Keep workin hard, let's go. :) :)


...oh y'all, I'm tired and time is limited. I apologize! But as a substitute, I will tell you the punch line of the profile I was intending to make. And it is:

"I never thought I would be using the scriptures to talk someone out of committing murder." But yep! No fear though, this recent convert is smarter than that. :P


Moroni 7:20-21,26,28

"And now, my brethren, how is it possible that ye can lay hold upon every good thing? 
And now I come to that faith of which I said I would speak; and I would tell you the way whereby ye may lay hold upon every good thing.
...And as surely as Christ liveth he spake these words unto our fathers, saying: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you."

People talk about this new book, 'The Secret' (new/old...not sure when it came out), which basically is that if you ask the universe for something, believing that you get it, you will. The interesting thing is that this is not really a secret. According to the Book of Mormon, it's actually something that's been known throughout most of Christian history--that if you ask God, with faith believing that you can recieve, that you may "lay hold upon every good thing". I want my life to be full of good things, and I may not always deserve them, but ultimately I have faith that all good things come from God, and that as I align myself more with his will, good things will come and continue to flow.


Gross hair that day, but whatd'ya do? :P

Alright, I love you all. Write me write me! And know that the work continues to go well here in Washington. :)


Sister Hale

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