Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all :) Wish I had a cute picture of me all decked out in green, but I think I have one of me eating a sweet potato instead (big deal for those of you who know of my childhood picky-ness!), so you'll have to make due. But--onward and upward!
Things are going pretty well out here. I'm very happy! Don't know if that's just today my being very happy, or the lasting results of doing work that's very edifying and fulfilling. Who knows!? Suffice it to say, I am generally quite pleased with life and the work. Here are a couple reasons why that might be:
1) Sister Kennedy and I are getting along very well, even though I did not think that would be the case from the outset! We are talking regularly and openly, and it just takes such an incredible weight off the work, to have a good companion you're jiving with. She's training, and still feels like she's learning a lot, but as her follow-up trainer I feel like I'm teaching her what she needs to learn, so that feels nice. :)
2) Just...glowy happy I guess. Had a great lesson on the Atonement yesterday, and realized that the reason Christ is important is that hope and faith in him is like a spiritual or psychological safety net that keeps you from hitting rock bottom. If you believe in Christ, and are willing to do what he says, there is always hope. And that was really cool for me to realize this week.
3) Meeting lots of cool people and working hard! One of those cool people (and one of the cooler experiences of my week) is detailed below...
Name: Cayla (Last name?)
Background: Military, served for 7 years, including a tour in Afghanistan
Major Stressor: Though she's been home for 4 years, she's still plagued with a lot of issues; things she's seen, stuff she remembers...though she's very bright and well-put together, she f
How I described her in ward council, to the gaffaws of the members: 'Blond, willowy, asian-ish girl' (I could do better, I know)
Why our meeting was awesome: She let us into her house for water and cookies, and when I pulled out the scriptures to share a quick message, started to tear up (mind you: we didn't really do anything besides listen and pull out the scriptures). Kind of confused, I said: 'Yeah, it feels good to have someone listen to you,' and she was like, 'No, I feel like I need to listen to you.' Super cool. A lot of trust God's putting in us there. We need to be better! We left her with a chapter to read and an invite to church, and will be going back on Wednesday to state our purpose a little more fully and invite her to learn.
Why she needs the gospel: She's got spiritual and psychological wounds that I have no idea how to fix on my own strength. However, the Lord has taken upon him all things "that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." If we can direct her to that source of healing, I think it could really benefit her. Exciting (but scary)!
Mmm...I've been pretty spiritual in this letter already (overdose anyone?) Buutttt...I'll just share this quickly from my reading: 3 Nephi 9: 13-14
"O all ye that are spared because ye were more righteous than they, will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?
"Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me."
We met this guy Austin in a park the other day. Young kind, cool, going to school, wanted to break the chain and defy other's expectations, become something really awesome on his own accord...and I told him straight up that the way to really do that, to gain the power and strength to change was to learn about the Gospel. I told him that that was one of my favorite things about being a missionary, was being able to be honest with people about what could really change their lives (rather giving indirect solutions or incremental steps to coming closer to the Savior; 'just love yourself' things like that). I love it. People may not always respond to such a direct invitation, but there's nothing more beautiful than the last phrase of vs 13, "and be converted, that I may heal you." Pretty incredible.
As promised!
It was huge. And I almost ate IT ALL.
And...that is all. I love you! Hope you all are doing well. Don't hesitate to wrriiiiitteeee...! :P Love love love,
Sister Hale
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