Sunday, March 16, 2014


Hey y'all. ;)

So guess what? 6 months down, a year to go. EXACTLY. Isn't that crazy? 1/3 of the way. That's pretty insane.

Then again, when people describe a mission that way, it sounds like a bit of an endurance activity. And it is...! A little bit. There's a lot of structure and discipline going on that's going to be more of an option post-mish...but...there are also a whole bunch of opportunities that I won't have once I'm home; like getting deeply involved in the lives of near strangers every day. And like learning to love a new place and a whole bunch of new people in the short period I get to work with them. And feeling the spirit more clearly than I have before in my life, guiding and directing my day to day activities (often to the minutia). There are lots and lots of blessings associated with being on a mission that I won't get to enjoy so readily a year from now. So I'll embrace it while I've got it. ;) Here goes!


Things are going well :) we saw a lot of miracles this week. Running into random people (investigators we thought we'd dropped...less actives who were never home...), seeing investigators turn a corner as far as desire and intent to learn (always great to see). Sister Ah-Chong and I have been getting along well (as I'm learning to be more patient, and she's learning to submit to my every whim...JUST KIDDING. :P She only submits to some of my whims. ;P) Annnddd...I'm having fun and feeling a lot of joy in my service. Starting to get into the Christmas spirit too, which is the bomb.


We're doing two profiles today, because I realize that all my profiles up to this point have been crazy people and the reason they're NOT in the church. I'm going to do one of those, but also a crazy person who is in the church. And maybe another one or two of those next week, we'll see.

Name: Donna
Profession: Former Fed-Ex Employee
Accessory of choice: Ralph Laren Polo Shirts, and a gold band on her left ring finger
Belief of note: Strong belief in the afterlife, powerful commitment to her relationship with Heavenly Father
Reason why she's not in the church: She's gay, as she told us within our first quick exchange at the doorstep. After two rocky marriages and 3 kids, she just couldn't continue being disloyal to who she felt she was.
Kind invitation extended to the missionaries: to come back and get Thanksgiving leftovers
Blessing: she relayed to us how she'd had some friends really pressure her to tell them what went on in the temple, etc. She said she didn't tell them anything, because she'd made a promise not to. I really appreciated that, and found it very impressive (especially as estranged from the church as she had become).

Name: Brother White
Feature of note: Jet black hair, even verging on his 60's
Used to be: An Atheist Philosophy major
Has since been: a Bishop and member of the Stake Presidency
Notable accomplishment: Almost sent missionary home crying after bashing in his first appointment with them.
Reason why he's in the church: Because a woman at his work invited him to take lessons with the missionaries, and he decided he would in an effort to prove them wrong. Didn't work obviously. ;)


We're going to be simple today, and look at a gratitude quote from Elder Bednar in this last conference. 

He defines gratitude as: "a gift that enables appreciation for what we have to constrain desires for what we want."
 and then says " A grateful person is rich in contentment. An ungrateful person suffers in the poverty of endless discontentment"

That is certainly true, irregardless of belief system. Let's all try to be more grateful this week, and fill our lives with gratitude for what we have.

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Inline image 2

The deep fried turkey that we ate that day. :D

I love you all! KEEP WRITING MEEEE...! Love love love,

Sister Hale

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