:D So. First off, quick apology: the libraries on the island were closed yesterday for some kind of employee training, so anyone who was FREAKED about not getting an email (Mom...;P), that's why. Forgive me. :P But here we go!
In other news...oh my goodness. I don't know what's going on with my mission, BUT, yet again, everything's changed. YEP. After 6 weeks training Sister Mailau in Oak Harbor, I AM GETTING TRANSFERRED AGAIN. And training. Again. I think it's because Sister Mailau is way too awesome and competent. They've asked her to train after only 6 weeks, which is pretty unusual (though not unheard of with the influx of sisters). And training and being transferred means that I'll be whitewash training (both missionaries new to the area) which is what stressed me out so badly at the beginning of the transfer. So! Prayers. Prayers are welcome. As well as well wishes and lots of mail love! I'm anticipating...a package or two this week, so don't be shy about getting those sent. ;P
Otherwise things have been going very well. 2 investigators on date to be baptized and some great lessons taught this week. We've been blessed to find some very prepared people to work with, and it rips my heart out a little bit that I've only been put in their lives for a brief 6 weeks. But I know there are other people in other places for me to reach. So onward and upward!
Probably my favorite experience this week (though there were many) was teaching this young mom named Brittany. She is so cool. Hip, little tattoo and nose piercing, two twin boys and a cute old country house. Runs a women's clothing store. She's seen missionaries around a lot, but mostly the Elders who often times couldn't go in (need 3 guys to go in a single woman's door). We being sisters could go in though, and had a first lesson with her this past Wednesday. And it was...really cool. We got to know her, just talked about her life and what was important to her, and then, after a little while she asked us to tell her more about the church. What we believed, what we knew. So we did. We launched into the first lesson, taught about God and how he worked through Prophets in the past and the present...but we stopped and felt we should ask her what her relationship with God was. She broke down a little bit, talking about how she'd been away from him for a while. How she wanted him to be part of her kids lives, but was scared to make him part of her own. I loved seeing her thirst for closeness with the Lord, and was also grateful that we followed the impression to break from our lesson plan and delve into what was important to her. At the end of the lesson she said 'Now I want to actually read what the elder's left for me (a Book of Mormon). Very cool. We've (or Sister Mailau and her upcoming companion. *sigh*) got a meeting scheduled with her for this next week, and are excited to help her keep learning about the Gospel.
Wow. So. Conference this week! Fantastic, wasn't it? Oh man. I'm really looking forward to getting the conference ensign so I can rip into some of the talks a bit. But! I had kind of a weird take-away; a theme that really stuck out to me that seemed a little unusual. And that theme was, A) that we chose to come to a fallen world, B) that by definition the world is full of hardships and things that are inconsistent with godly happiness, but C) our time on earth is very transitory, and "if we endure it well" what was "sown in corruption shall be raised in incorruption," or that we will be raised in perfection to dwell with God in happiness and peace. Paul talks of this when he says, "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption to wit, the redemption of our body." (Romans 8:22-23) Something about life, about being on earth is intrinsically difficult. Not that we can't have joy here and now, but something is missing that can cause our spirits to groan and long for something greater. I know of that something more to be living with God, with the burdens of this life lifted fully from us, as Jeffrey R. Holland discussed in his talk this past Sunday. We can get there and do it joyfully as we stay close to the spirit and it's directives.
I love you all! Thank you for keeping me informed of your lives; it really gives me joy to know what's going for you back home, and especially that you're doing well. Keep it up for another week, and be safe!
Sister Hale
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